Church Information

In 2018, our church celebrated 100 years of in our current sanctuary.

Morgantown First Baptist Church has a family fellowship that starts and ends with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. He is our focus! As sinners saved by grace, we strive to grow everyday and share Jesus with those we meet. Everyone is invited and welcome to worship with our church family.

A new fellowship hall was built in 2015 and provides a 100 plus seating capacity for our church and community. This facility provides our church the space to host church events and gatherings beyond Sunday morning services.


Pastor Greg Wallace

Brother Greg Wallace has served as our pastor for 29 years. A WKU and Southern Seminary graduate, he served as youth minister, associate pastor and pastor at Forest Park and Oakland Baptist Churches before starting his ministry at First Baptist. He has been married to Penny for 33 years and they have three adult children, Geoffrey (Clare), Justin, and Emily.

A message from Greg:

As we enter March, I want to thank you for the wonderful support for Love Month activities. Over 2,000 valentines for the nursing home, multiple items for the women’s jail ministry, and many items of food for the Morgantown Mission food pantry were given. Your generosity and faithfulness to these causes were amazing. Thank you!

The last two months we have been hearing about Jesus’ message from the Sermon on the Mount. I hope it has challenged us to strive and obtain those qualities that Jesus was giving the crowd so many years ago. This month, we will begin our journey toward Easter. I hope we will experience the joy and excitement that should come when we see what God did for us on that resurrection morning. May you begin now to pray and attend so that we can feel the presence of God’s love in a mighty way.

Sunday Bible Study

Sunday Bible study for all ages starts at 10:00am. Sunday School Director Brother C.B. Embry and Brother Jerry Bloom work together to encourage us to study each Sunday morning. A class from birth to a class at the Morgantown Care and Rehab are prepared by excellent teachers each Sunday! Come find a class designed especially for you!


Brother Bill Camp directs our Adult Choir for special music for Easter, Christmas and other special occasions as he leads us weekly to worship with song. Our children are directed by Ms. Penny Wallace and Ms. Ann Bartholomew in Sing and Ring. Serena Southernland and Ann accompany all of our music programs and services.

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